A Family’s Favourite Member
Our pet, Harry, really feels like family. He’s always there for the activities, vacations and the various other stuff we do as a family. He plays a huge role in keeping us entertained, happy and he would always play and interact with whatever we did with him. Because of the time we spend together he truly feels like a genuine family member. Too genuine as if there’s something missing in our household whenever he’s not present. He’s kind, goofy, dramatic and the best antidepressant (what a pun) you’ll get during tough times. I just can’t imagine what my family would be like if he wasn’t there for my childhood, so I believed that having him as my piece would be perfect for this volume’s theme.
Hello! My name is Brian Son, and the very reason I got into this volume is because I love art of course! Drawing is my greatest passion and with that I am very thankful that Red Pocket Magazine had given me an opportunity to showcase my work! Here it is!