In honour of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) last month, we had an online initiative called Literary Libs which brought together writers from the Red Pocket Family to write a short story together.

The rules? Writer A had to write something based on the following prompt: Bacon sandwiches always reminded her… Then, Writer A had to pass what they wrote to Writer B, who could change the direction of the story however they wanted! Then, Writer B had to pass what they wrote to Writer C, and so on...

Two stories, both titled Bacon Sandwiches, were written. Check them out below!

Bacon Sandwiches (Young Adult)

Bacon sandwiches always reminded her of her life before the pandemic hit. It was a bite of the outside world. It was a bite of something… missing nowadays. All the flavors twirling seemed bitter. She didn’t want to continue eating it, because all she felt was regret. But San knew that if her mother was in that room with her, she would whisper in rushed Tagalog, telling her to eat. 

So she took the last bite. 

San’s mother loved bacon sandwiches. Her father thought bacon sandwiches were okay. But her ex-girlfriend?…

Bacon Sandwiches (Fun Fantasy)

Bacon sandwiches always reminded her of those days she had spent in the castle, when she would wake up every morning, head down to the kitchen and grab a couple of pieces of bacon out of the fridge for a morning bacon sandwich. She loved bacon sandwiches and had kept the fridge stocked with only bacon and bread. Before long, all she was eating was bacon sandwiches.

And the only time she broke from her daily routine, was to sneak in a bacon sandwich snack. She was having bacon sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner. And when she had guests, she put out a platter of little triangle bacon sandwiches for them.

She was swimming in bacon sandwiches like a cartoon character swimming in money, and she was loving it.

But today... all she could do was reminisce because those days were long gone. They had ended when the castle decided to grow wings and fly off…