Table of Contents

Letter from the Editor - Barton Lu, Editor-in-Chief

Keeping up with the Asians - Words by Nusrat Zahan

How to be Insanely Productive - Comic by Deon Feng

A Pot of Faux Gold: Fried Cheese - Words by Alishba Irfan

When in Fourth Grade - Diary Entry by Anonymous

How Old Are We, Really? - Words by Sherry Shu

Todayโ€™s Zodiac - Astrology by Deon Feng

Open Letter to the Black Soup - Words by Wendie Yeung

Untitled - Words by Jeongmin Lee

LOL - Poem by Anonymous

If writers wrote American female characters like they did ethnic female characters - Words by Barton Lu

The Perfect Asian - Wikipedia Article by Barton Lu, James Jiang, Joyce Xi, Rachel Ma, Sherry Shu


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