In the Emotionary, this poem is filed under the emotion: Joy.

Chimes of foxglove and bluebell carry on

Bumblebees cruise upon the palms of the wind

Sprites dip their glistening frocks along the riverbend

Willows whisper their young names as they unfold

Around a table, they all totter down to a feast 

Of cups ever filled with fresh milk

Of bowls stuffed with wild strawberries 

Their guiltless laughter, leap over the cobblestone path

Fingers free to draw around the lamb-like clouds 

Arms reach out to chase the whirring dragonflies

Eyes soar past the towering mountains to the deep valleys 

Raindrops start to fall, stroking their rose-painted cheeks

Sprawled on the grass, they muse of what could be 

Raising palaces without ironclad gates

Assembling bridges that fail to crumble down

Fields overflowing with the season’s harvest

Cheers of the people covering the avenues

Laceworks of hope weave through their minds

As they stare into the night dotted with stars 

About the Author

Marielle Innah Valmores is an aspiring screenwriter and director. Born in the Philippines, she moved to Vancouver to take up creative writing. Her written pieces explore societal issues, female empowerment, culture, and identity.