A digital painting by Minha Aamir named Drifting. This painting shows a figure resembling the Grim Reaper over a village at night. Part of the Grim Reaper is drawn to look like mountains in the distance

In the Emotionary, this digital painting is found under the emotion: Disassocation.

Artist’s Statement

Sometimes the world is too much. Sometimes when I’m overwhelmed it feels like I’m not really there. For just a moment, my brain turns off and it’s as if I’m staring at the world, at life, from the outside in. It’s a little scary sometimes, it’s a little calming sometimes, but it goes away as quickly as it came. That feeling is what inspired this piece. It depicts two large figures drifting past a town on a calm, winter night. No one notices them and they don’t notice anyone, they’re simply on their way - once they’re gone it’ll feel like they were never even there.


Minha Aamir is an 18 year old, freelance illustrator from Toronto. She was born in Islamabad, Pakistan and immigrated to Canada with her family when she was four. Growing up she was surrounded by people that encouraged her to love herself and her feelings, and never be afraid to try new things. She avidly explores colours and their moods in her pieces, and her favourite things to draw include towns and cities, women, and flowers.