What does

strength mean to you?

She asks and I respond: daylight.

the willingness to stay through the night

and forsake the ashes of yesterday

upon the sight of the sunrise.

What do you

define as healing?

She asks and I respond:

the luminescence of sunrise,

penetrating through the wintry night.

The way shadows collapse into dawn,

a sunlight-drenched hour

not previously seen -

the remedy at



for another day.

I hear her whisper.

There will be sunlight

pouring in over the windowsill;

the watercolour blend of sunset every night;

a myriad of small miracles each day.

No matter how strenuous the

next breath feels,

I always find 

it again.

About the Author

Kun is a Mathematics student who spends her days surrounded by algorithms and equations. Outside of studying, Kun is wide-eyed before artistic expressions of all forms. Having grown up in China, the two landscapes mean home to her in different ways.